Terms & Conditions

For the Client

These rules define the standards of behavior and presence in the Salon when providing services to ensure the necessary conditions for the fullest satisfaction of your needs and the safety of your pet. Compliance with these Rules is mandatory for both visitors (clients, pet owners) and masters (groomers). By booking services for your pet with us, you agree to all the Salon’s visitation Rules.

These Rules are published on the website and are available for review in the Salon.

Please note that video recording is conducted in the Salon. The video recording is the property of the Salon and is not provided to clients; it may be used solely at the discretion of the Salon management.

Our goal is not only to make grooming a commonly accepted, accessible, and comfortable service but also an absolutely safe one for animals. We count on your understanding.

Photography and Video Recording

We regularly take photos and videos of pets in our salon for sharing on our social media channels, website, and for promotional purposes. If you prefer that your pet not be featured in these materials, please let us know at the time of your visit. Your preference will be fully respected.

In accordance with GDPR Articles 18 and 21, you have the right to restrict the processing and to object to the processing of personal data concerning your pet at any time. Your rights will be fully respected.

General Information

Clients should not enter the Salon abruptly and loudly, as the master might injure a pet being groomed. Do not create a hazardous situation!

The Salon reserves the right to refuse services to individuals who are intoxicated (alcohol, drugs, etc.) or in any other inappropriate state.

If you cannot come to the grooming appointment at the scheduled time, please let us know as soon as possible. We work exclusively by appointment. If a customer is unable to attend, we kindly ask that the appointment be canceled in a timely manner (at least 24 hours in advance) so that we can reassign the slot. For late cancellations (less than 24 hours before the appointment) or no-shows, the salon reserves the right to charge the booked grooming service in full in accordance with § 642 Paragraph 2 BGB, minus any saved costs.

If the cancellation fee is not paid, a partner law firm will be engaged to initiate legal collection proceedings. For this purpose, all necessary personal data of the booking party will be forwarded to the law firm

  • Paws and Tails Salon does not shave or provide short haircuts for animals with a double coat, which would disrupt the pet’s natural heat regulation. This includes breeds such as Spitz, Shiba Inu, Samoyed, Belgian Shepherd, Sheltie, St. Bernard, Newfoundland, Siberian Husky, etc. In this case, the Salon reserves the right to refuse to provide services.
  • Large, fighting, and other decorative breeds of dogs should be brought to the Salon wearing a muzzle.

Cats should be brought in carrying bags, or you should bring a carrier with you. Think about the safety of the pets in the Salon! This is especially important for aggressive cats. Otherwise, the Salon reserves the right to refuse to provide services.

During Cat grooming, the owner stays in the waiting/rest area of the salon. (We do not prohibit the presence of dog owners during services, but dogs tend to handle the procedures better alone with the groomer.) Exceptions include elderly people, owners of lost pets, old/sick dogs, or owners of puppies coming for their first grooming session.

Visitors are not allowed to touch or pick up other people’s pets without the owner’s permission, for everyone’s safety. It is undesirable for visitors to distract the groomers with questions about appointments and prices. The Administrator will gladly answer these questions. Please do not ask for the groomers’ personal phone numbers. Do not compromise your groomer.

It is not recommended to come for grooming if:

  • Your pet has not been vaccinated in a timely manner.
  • Your pet has not been treated for parasites.
  • Your pet is already infested with parasites.

In these cases, the Salon reserves the right to fine the owner or refuse services.

  • Your pet is sick or feeling unwell (e.g., with symptoms of vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, runny nose, fresh wounds, etc.).
  • It is also recommended to postpone the visit to the groomer if your pet is in heat.

Client Obligations

  • Visit the Salon strictly at the appointed time, according to the pre-arranged appointment by phone or using online booking on the website or social media.
  • Treat Salon property (furniture, equipment, tools, plumbing, etc.) with care. In case of damage to Salon property, the visitor must compensate for the damage.
  • Show respect when communicating with the groomers and behave appropriately.
  • Show kindness and politeness to other visitors and not engage in actions that violate their rights.
  • Clients are not allowed to be in the work area during the service for their pet. If a client wishes to be present during the service, they must stay in the waiting area, and the groomer may invite the client into the work area at their discretion. In this case, it is prohibited to attract any attention, call your or other pets (e.g., to take a photo, make a remark, or praise, etc.).
  • Inform the groomer of any allergies, illnesses, or other health issues (ringworm, dermatitis, fleas, etc.).
  • If a client brings a pet with health issues identified during the service (ringworm, mites, dermatitis, fleas, and other diseases that can be transmitted to other animals or people) without informing the Salon, the client agrees to pay for the full chemical cleaning of the Salon. In this case, a cleaning service will be called to the Salon, and the bill will be forwarded to the client.
  • Report any visible complaints about the service immediately after it is provided and when the groomer brings the pet to the client. In such cases, the Salon agrees to make free corrections for the client’s pet. Usually, this correction should be provided on the same day; in exceptional cases, it may be provided on another day, agreed upon by both the Salon representative and the client.
  • Keep track of personal belongings and those of the pet throughout the service and take them immediately after the service is completed. Otherwise, the client agrees to pay for the shipping of their items to the desired address, as well as all associated costs. If the client forgets to collect personal belongings after the service, the Salon is not responsible for the client’s items.
  • Stay in the waiting area if the pet shows visible aggression and bring a muzzle for the pet. If the client arrives without a muzzle or dog is behaving very aggressive, Paws and Tails Salon reserves the right to refuse service.
  • Do not move around the Salon, enter or exit the grooming area. Wait until grooming is finished.
  • Do not touch leashes or carriers, rummage through bags, etc.
  • Do not approach the pet (unless the groomer has asked for help), reach out or stand/sit nearby during the service.
  • Do not distract the groomer (with emotional conversations, sudden noises, etc.).

By visiting the Salon, the client accepts these provisions and other conditions listed in this document, agrees with them, and has no complaints.

Representatives of Paws and Tails UG Have the Right To: To provide high-quality services in full, delay the appointment of the next client by 20-30 minutes, since the time allocated for grooming cannot include the previous client’s lateness, the pet’s condition, individual approach, etc.

Request the client to wait in the following cases:

  • The client arrived for grooming earlier than the scheduled time.
  • The groomer is forced to delay the grooming of the previous pet.
  • The client came to pick up the pet earlier than the time agreed upon with the groomer.

A groomer or other Salon representative has the right to be present when assisting an injured pet at a veterinary clinic or to request receipts for veterinary care to reimburse treatment costs.

In case of violation of these Rules by the client, the Salon groomer has the right to:

  • Make a remark.
  • Demand that the client leave the premises.
  • Record audio and video of the violation.
  • Call law enforcement and present the video recording of the Rules violation.

Obligations Imposed on Paws and Tails and Company Employees

The Groomer is Obligated To:

  • Comply with these Rules.
  • Behave respectfully and appropriately with the client.
  • Be responsible for the life and health of the pet entrusted to them from the moment the client hands over the pet to the groomer until the groomer hands the pet back to the client.
  • Provide high-quality grooming services.
  • Disinfect the worktable, bath with special animal disinfectant solution, and sterilize tools in a sterilizer or use a spare set.
  • If the pet is found to have diseases or other health issues, inform the client and notify them of any additional expenses (disinfection of premises and others), which the client must cover.
  • In case of pet injury or deterioration of health:
    • For minor injuries: provide necessary assistance and inform the client.
    • For serious injuries due to groomer’s fault: provide necessary assistance, inform the client, call emergency veterinary help (upon client’s agreement), cover the full cost of the pet’s treatment, and the client is not charged for Salon services.

If the pet’s physical condition worsens during grooming due to hidden pathologies or illnesses, the groomer has the right to seek veterinary help without the owner’s consent. In this case, the client must pay for the veterinarian’s services according to the bills or receipts, as well as for the services already provided.

Groomers are Prohibited From:

  • Feeding the pets, except for treats brought by the owner.
  • Administering any medications. Therefore, owners of nervous pets are recommended to give sedatives in advance.

Liability of Parties and Conflict Resolution Procedures

The Groomer is Responsible For:

  • The life and health of the pet entrusted to them from the moment the client hands over the pet to the groomer until the groomer hands the pet back to the client.
  • Any serious injury to the pet due to the groomer’s fault.

The groomer is not responsible for the life and health of a cat if the owner refused to be present during the grooming.

The Salon and the groomer are not responsible if:

  • The pet was injured due to the client’s violation of these Rules, provoking an injury during the service.
  • Services were provided to the pet, despite being undesirable due to the pet’s health condition and/or age, upon the owner’s insistence.
  • Performing the service reveals hidden diseases or pathologies.

By visiting the Salon, the client accepts these provisions and other conditions listed in this document, agrees with them, and has no complaints.